As you can see the chicks are getting bigger, actually every evening when I come home from work I can see a change in them. That is Karma in the background, he is only mildly interested in the chicks and doesn't bother them at all. Sosa on the other hand, can not be trusted around them. We tried to acclimate the dogs to the presence of the chickens in the hopes that when the chickens free range the dogs would be around to ward off any would be predators. But Sosa took a snap at one of the chicks and lunged several times at them. He will have to be kept in his side of the yard.

I was able to make pretty good progress on the coop this past weekend, well I suppose it's really the run as the coop is already built. Because I don't really know what I'm doing I'm kind of making it up as I go. I think it's worked out so far. I decided on using those concrete blocks with the brackets sticking out of the top (I don't know what they're called) rather than digging post holes and pouring concrete. I set those in holes that were about a foot deep with an 8" deep trench connecting them. I then mounted 4x4 posts in the concrete block brackets and then used galvanized staples to attach chicken wire around the posts.

I laid the chicken wire in the bottom of the trench and then placed a row of bricks on top of the wire. I don't know if the bricks will make any difference but I had them and thought "why not". At this point, I'm still a little farther behind than I had hoped but I'm okay with that. I think I understand how I will finish it- except for the door. I'm not sure how I'll do that yet.
It looks like you did a good job Dana. Securing the wire at the bottom with bricks will keep burrowing critters from getting in as well. I don't think I've ever seen in that back area or the shed before. You've got good use of space there. I mean, what the heck, a shed and a strip of ground confined on three sides, it begs for chickens!
ReplyDeleteI've had a feral chicken around off and on (I may have mentioned that before) and my dog was going nuts chasing her. She was amazing, able to get way up in trees, could fly to the roof of the house and jump straight up to get over the fence. Although I haven't seen her for a while, I don't think Izzy ever caught her. Whatever breeds are in my dog there is definitely a strong chase and kill instinct. Sosa has lots of dachshund and they are hunting dogs.