We don't have any names yet though Felix suggested- for no particular chick- the names: squeaky, scary, black bolt, and a made up word I can't remember. There is one that appears to be dominant, but we'll see. One of the Easter Eggers likes to stick her head in the food dish and just keep it there. That's not the dominant one. She's not necessarily eating, she just seems comfortable that way. You can see it below- doesn't she look comfortable?
After I got home and checked on them, I noticed the lamp that holds the chicks infrared heat bulb was really hot. I really should have known that the lamp I had wouldn't be able to withstand the power that the heat bulb consumes. Out of fear of being the idiot who burns down his garage to keep some animals warm, I shut it down and rushed out to get a proper lamp. When I got back, the chicks were huddled together in a corner but were fine after I set the lamp up.
Time will tell, you may have one ostrich
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should put your "mock" chick in so they can all beat up on it