They eat much more now, as a matter of fact, this last month they as much as they did the first four months combined. And that is only considering their feed, we've given them even more of our scraps. We also discovered that they are fond of strawberries, as they peck at them a day before we are ready to pick them.
The other day, Stripe (the white one, who appears to be the dominate hen) gave us a little scare. We were out in the backyard while the chickens were free-ranging when Stripe had decided she was going to see how unfriendly that barking dog behind us actually was. In truth, the dog was not out and while I stood poised on top of some railroad ties, ready to jump the six foot fence in case the dog came out, Renae ran around the block to enter the yard the proper way.
That's about it for now, they really just eat and poop. We have them on layer feed now which is what they'll be on from now on out.